Hi all,
So I haven't posted for a few days now, and although I've had some photos ready I just haven't had the chance. Part of that is because It's my favourite time of year - Halloweeeeeeeen! Although technically we've passed Halloween, and are on to Dia de los Muertos I like to take any chance I can in this week to dress up, and I will show you my costume later, but for now, I have some nails for you that I did a couple of weeks back now.
Base Coat: CND - Stickey
Base Colours: NOPI - Hit The Lights & W7 - Nightsuede
Stamp Colours: W7 - Nightsuede & Konad White
Image Plate: Bundle Monster Holiday Collection BMH06 & BMH08
Top Coat: Advanced Hard As Nails
Apologies for these almost murky photos, the lens on my phone was dirty and I hadn't realised.
And now on to my costume, this year after a lot of debate I settled on Alice In Wonderland//Zombieland as my bestie was going to be the white Rabbit, and I had no other sort of direction.
Here's my face:
And here's the before and after of the wig, to the full costume. Annoyingly I fell in love with this particular dress because of the collar, but I just couldn't stand the feel of it at all. So I cut that off.
For reference, here are the zombie costumes I have done since I started blogging:
2012. Last years costume makes me wish I'd done more with the prosthetic piece, but i'm happy with how it turned out. I mean, people didn't know it was me which is always a win :]
You guys do fancy dress this year?