
Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Peach Cow

First of all, thank you to my 12 followers :D! I appreciate it  so much!!!

These are actually from a week or so back, I'm not sure why I haven't posted them until now.

I had been looking for a peach; and for a brown, so I (after going to the Metro Centre for some food) was pretty buzzing when I found these two; for £1.99 each at a small makeup stall  :]

It wasn't until later that I realised the Revlon polish was a scented one, as my boyfriend was the one to find it, and it smells lush!

Base: CND - Stickey
Base Colour: Revlon - Peach Smoothie
Plate: BM222
Stamp Colour: W7 - Suede
Top Coat: China Glaze - No Chip Top Coat

This picture is more colour true

Monday, 30 May 2011

Matte Purple & Gloss Funky French

I recently needed to do some simple nails for a meeting I had with HR, which I thought was going to be quite formal. So I did a Lucky Dip, and picked out a colour i haven't used in at least 6 months. And I really don't use my matte top coat enough; or even experiement with it. :]

 I decided to add a gloss tip quickly - only one thin coat.

Base Coat: CND - Stickey
Base Colour: George - Hoax (two coats)
Top Coat: China Glaze - No Chip Top Coat
Matte Coat: Rimmel - Matte Finish

& Then Some More Top Coat On The Tips.

Saturday, 28 May 2011

Waffle Nails

Recently I've been trying to get into more free-hand stamp free designs, but i'm a bit out of touch when it comes to the skills department.

So I decided to start small; and not very detailed just to get used to it again. So I decided to go for a drip design, or strawberry nails. So I bought some acrylic paints - my nail art pens aren't amazing.

I wasn't going to use a stamp aswell, but my recent purchase of a couple of browns gave me a tasty idea!!

Base: CND - Stickey
Base Colour: Rimmel 10 day wear - Milk Chocolate
Plate: M57
Stamp Colour: W7 - Suede
Paint: Wilkinsons - Burnt Umber

New Chrome

I always get excited when I get a new chrome. All I need is a true gold, and a replacement blue and I'd be sorted. The new chrome is on my index finger. It's a champagne type color it's hard to tell exactly with it being so shiny.

Thumb: N.Y.C. - Foil For You
Index: N.Y.C. - Foiled Rotten
Middle: China Glaze - Millennium
Ring: N.Y.C. - Techno Foil
Pinky: N.Y.C. - Niagra Foils

Friday, 27 May 2011

Minted Millenium

Base: CND - Stickey
Base Colour: Revlon - Minted
Stamp Colour:
China Glaze - Millennium
Plate: BM-224
Top Coat:China Glaze - No Chip Top Coat
The sun ran away just before I was going to take this photo :( this really does look so much prettier in sunlight.

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Blue & Pink Chrome

Base: CND - Stickey
Base Colour: LA Colors - Color Craze - Static Electricity
Stamp Colour: NYC - Foil For You
Plate: BM-206
Top Coat:China Glaze - No Chip Top Coat

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Grey & Flakies

Base: CND - Stickey
Base Colour: Beauty UK - Soft Grey
Flakies: Nubar 2010 - G188
Two Coats of Nubar - 2010, no top coat.

Sunday, 22 May 2011

Green Glitter.

I started with two coats of LA Colors - Color Craze in Atomic. Then when the polish was still tacky I pressed the glitter onto the top first, rubbing it up to create a slight gradient. Added a top coat to smooth out the glitter, and added a Bundle Monster Image :]

Base colour: LA Colors - Color Craze - Atomic
Glitter: Mac - Crystalled Lime

Stamp colour: BYS - Black Satin
Plate: BM210
Base Coat: CND - Stickey
Top Coat - China Glaze - no chip top coat

L.A. Colors - Colour Craze Swatches

It's been a while since my last post, only four days but that seems like such a long time to me. So I'm going to try and keep things more up to date on here.

Swatches from my Boyes bargains the other day:

Static Electricity - Two Coats

Atomic - Three coats, still a bit sheer

Power Outage - Three Coats
I love the formula on all these polishes although they're all kind of jelly-ish ( I don't think I've had my hands on a true Jelly yet). Atomic is a bit on the sheer side, but using slightly thicker coats you can get rid of that problem, and it doesn't effect drying time. Static Electricity gave by far, the best coverage.

These are all really gorgeous polishes, but I really love the violet flecks in Power Outage.

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Pink Glitter & Flower Stickers.

More pink times. Not a massive fan of this look. But I've had these flower stickers for at least a year and a half without using them.

Base: CND - Stickey
Base Colour:
Models Own - Pastel Pink
Glitter: Barry M - 264 - Pink Irridescent
Stickers: Bought from Sally's I believe

They're a bit chunky looking. But I haven't got a top coat on, so I suppose that would smooth the edges out.

Monday, 16 May 2011

Blue Waves

I've been feeling pinks recently, which is nice instead of getting stuck on cool colours :]

Base: CND - Stickey
Base Colour: BYS - Lila Bliss
Stamp Colour: Collection 2000 Hot Looks - Show
Off  (must be 4 years old at least)
Plate: BM-203
Top Coat:China Glaze - No Chip Top Coat

Saturday, 14 May 2011

Cube Nails

Base: CND - Stickey
Base Colour: George - Buttercup sunshine
Stamp Colour: BYS - Fool's Paradise

Plate: BM-203
Top Coat:China Glaze - No Chip Top Coat
Right now I'm loving strange colour combinations.

Friday, 13 May 2011

Mini Haul & Odd-Bling Leopard

Last week I took a trip with my parents to Chester-le-street (about half an hour drive I think) in hope of finding some nail goodies on the market there.

And I did, two very luminous (despite what the photo looks like) neon's from the market, and five others from Boyes. The market it's self was disappointing though very blah :(

It's a very rare occasion that I get to go to Boyes, I used to love Boyes as a kid, getting false nails and random makeup goodies, but that was when I was staying at the caravan with the family near Richmond, or visiting family in Northallerton / going to Darlington. I forgot how much I love that place!

On to the goodies :]]

L-R: Yssy - Name Is Unkown, Revlon - Minted, Color Craze - Power Outage, Yes Love - Neon Green,
Color Craze - Static Electricity, Rimmel - Milk Chocolate, Color Craze - Atomic
I picked the neon's up just for fun, and at 50p each I couldn't resist. From Boyes I first picked up the LA Color polishes and i wish i had gotten all the others they have by them. They're very jelly like in application and some don't cover my nail line too well with thin coats, but thicker coats aren't a drying problem. 

I wish I'd bought Revlon - Minted when I was lusting after a mint, though streaking can be tricky it's so so so much nicer than Collection 2000's Mint Mojo. Though I still like the colour.

Base colour: LA Colors - Color Craze - Power Outage
Glitter: Mac - Crystalled Fuschia

Stamp colour: BYS - Black Satin
Plate: M57
Base Coat: CND - Stickey
Top Coat - China Glaze - no chip top coat
What you can't see in the photo is that there's violet shimmer throughout this polish - so pretty. The glitter that I pressed on when the Polish was tacky is actually quite a bright pink that flashes Lime green & sometimes Lilac.

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Lilac & Lemon

Hardly the "Purp & Yellow" I've been trying to achieve these past few months *Saint's Row P urple* ( I love that game & that purple is my perfect purple.) But I was inspired via Chloe's Nails. I used to use tape when I was about 14; but just to tape off the corner, to create a diagonal tip, never; ever thinking of cutting the tape into thin pieces to create stripes, or a burst/shard effect. She really is incredible. I hope that I some day have the technique she possesses, never mind the tape, just the perfect polish!

Tape Mani
Barry M - Berry Ice Cream

& Barry M - Lemon Ice Cream

After doing thisIi realised I probably should've used the yellow as a base, but as you can see the yellow shows through some of the lilac. So I'm not a massive fan; but I still like it.

Saturday, 7 May 2011

Pink & Black Diagonal Checkers.

I've been feeling a little bit uninspired recently, so I'm grabbing for the black to stamp with a lot more, but I have slightly missed the ease.

Base: CND - Stickey
Base Colour: Models Own - Pastel Pink & No7 - Milan
Stamp Colour: BYS - Satin Black

Plate: BM-16
Top Coat:China Glaze - No Chip Top Coat
 Not the neatest mani I've ever done; but it was a quickie for work :]

Friday, 6 May 2011

Autumnal Flakies

China Glaze - Evening Seduction is what I use instead of black for plain nails. It's so dark, yet you can still see the warmth from the plum colour that suits my skin tone better than ordinary black.

And I think it's the warm, dark purple that makes the Nubar flakes appear more warm that usual.

Two coats, no top coat.

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Models Own Magenta Pearl

I've got quite a few swatches that haven't been posted yet so I thought I'd start posting them. :]

3 Coats - Direct Sunlight

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Retro Orange

Base: CND - Stickey
Base Colour: George - Mischief - With added white to the bottle
Stamp Colour: Rimmel - White

Plate: BM-223
When I saw this image I immediately thought retro. I was going to use orange and brown, but decided to use white and orange instead. I really need to get my hands on a better white to stamp with.

Sunday, 1 May 2011

Jungle Fever

Very green mani :]

Bundle Monster: BM204
Stamping Colour: w7 - Envy
Base Colour: George - Martian
Base Coat: CND - Stickey
Top Coat: China Glaze - No Chip Top Coat