
Sunday, 22 May 2011

L.A. Colors - Colour Craze Swatches

It's been a while since my last post, only four days but that seems like such a long time to me. So I'm going to try and keep things more up to date on here.

Swatches from my Boyes bargains the other day:

Static Electricity - Two Coats

Atomic - Three coats, still a bit sheer

Power Outage - Three Coats
I love the formula on all these polishes although they're all kind of jelly-ish ( I don't think I've had my hands on a true Jelly yet). Atomic is a bit on the sheer side, but using slightly thicker coats you can get rid of that problem, and it doesn't effect drying time. Static Electricity gave by far, the best coverage.

These are all really gorgeous polishes, but I really love the violet flecks in Power Outage.

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