
Friday, 10 June 2011

Jammie Dodger Nails

As soon as I seen this plate when my new Bundle Monster arrived I instantly thought Jammie Dodgers. I'm really not sure why. But I've been wanting to try it ever since. Originally I saw the old school Jammie Dodgers, without the heart centres. However hearts are cute ^_^

I'm not convinced they look like Jammie Dodgers still, but it was a nice mani to wear :]

Base Coat: CND - Stickey
Base Colour: Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear - White On
Stamp Colour: Rimmel - Milk Chocolate
Plate: BM203
Hearts: Red Acrylic Paint
Top Coat: China Glaze - No Chip Top Coat


  1. So much fun! Love it!
    Have you seen the advert for the new toffee jammy dodgers? Haw scary is that monkey!

  2. Good shout they look just like jammie dodgers!

  3. Thank you both :]

    & yes I've seen the new advert; they're scary, but I love them at the same time hehe.

  4. Good shout they look just like jammie dodgers!


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