
Monday, 22 August 2011

WAH Inspired Pop Art Mani.

Conditions are proving difficult for doing my nails. Dogs are really cute; but really clingy ¬_¬ And the sun's not been out too much, and there's not much bright lighting in this house. So I'm posting some images from the start of the month, until I manage to get some decent pictures.

Base Coat: CND - Stickey
Base colours: Sally Hansen - White On & Barry M - Raspberry
I used tape, a black nail art pen, and a pin for dotting :]


  1. Just found your blog-love the nail art!!! Am A new follower!

  2. Love it! I've been meaning to do some WAH inspired nails for a while.

  3. cute! Great art work!

  4. @ All. Thank you :]Wearing WAH designs is so fun!


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