
Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Gold, Chunky Glitter & Black Crackle

So it must been about a year since I bought this mixed glitter, and I had forgotten all about it. At the time I did swatch it, and decided it was too goopy, and smelly to really bother with. Also the glitter's curved and it's beyond annoying¬_¬

Anyhooo I recently found it again and decided to give it a go with a crackle. Unfortunately the gold had leaked from the gold glitter turning them silver, and the clear into murky brown. It's rank. But it didn't look so bad on :]

Base Coat: CND - Stickey
Base Coat: Miss Sporty - Gold Back Stage
Glitter: Xtras - Mix Gold
Crackle: Barry M - Instant Nail Effects
Top Coat: China Glaze - No Chip Top Coat

Please excuse the tip wear and nail growth, this was after a couple of days wear, I was just waiting for the sun to come back out xD


  1. love the chunky glitter/gold combi

  2. I have awarded you the Versatile blogger award,you can claim it here if you like

  3. I am digging that chunky glitter over gold!


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