
Sunday, 13 November 2011


Ahh; so these aren't the most refined stripes I've ever done, but the were fun to wear, although after a day I added some more colour over half of the white on the pinky finger. Not massively impressed with the outcome, but I got to use the glow in the dark polish I got just before Halloween so I was a happy bunny. I only have a really crappy bottle shot of the bottle in the dark though rather than my nails :(

Base Coat: CND - Stickey
Base Colour: La Femme - Dusky Pink (made my own name up for it :P)
Black & White Acrylic Paint
Deborah - Sunset Cocktail
Rubies - Glow In The Dark Nail Polish
Top Coat: China Glaze - No Chip Top Coat
Just because I love this blue toned pink. Nom
You can sort of see a stripe of the glow in the dark where my pinky is at the top right corner of the bottle. But I couldn't get a good shot of my nails cause I had to close the curtains and squish into a cupboard to get it dark enough to glow xD


  1. Cute nails! Also I have a hilarious image of you crouched in a cupboard with a camera now haha.



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