
Friday, 2 December 2011

Green & Black Vertical(ish) Stripes, With Bundle Monster

Just a quick post today. I've fallen behind in editing/sorting photos, and I really should have done this yesterday but I took a trip with Scott to Tynemouth beach/ Blue Reef Aquarium for our dating anniversary. The aquarium was kinda pants, but the otters were so effin cute! Twas a good day :]

This is the first time I've used this image from BM214 as a vertical design. I used it here for horizontal imagery. If there's a plate out there somewhere that actually has vertical /horizontal lines in different thicknesses I will find it!!! Maybe I wont, but I love vertical striped nails, and when I'm lazy it's often what I lean towards just with stripers.

Base Coat: CND - Stickey
Base Colour: George - Martian
Stamp Colour: BYS - Black Satin
Image Plate: Bundle Monster 214
Top Coat: China Glaze - No Chip Top Coat


  1. I love how you rotated it! The colors look awesome together!

  2. ooooh, this is really cool!

  3. Never thought to try the plates this way! So very cool! I am so loving this. And I just love aquariums!

  4. oh wow! So bright and fun!

  5. This is cute. I looked at this design on my plate and figured I'd never use it for anything! Great job!

  6. tbh i cant really understand how one can do it so nicely. when i do the stamping, there are blank spots and such - i d love to be able to do it like this!! :D

  7. @Color Beam, I check how the image has transfered to the stamp before I stamp on my nails, and if it has gaps, I dont use it. Or use it on smaller nails like my pinky so it's not as noticeable XD


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