
Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Pink & Black Flowers Bundle Monster & A Cute Iguana

I hate when I get stuck in a rut of certain colours, or shades, so to brighten my day up I used a bright pink MUA polish. And then there's a pic of an Iguana from the Aquarium I went to at the start of December :]

Base Coat: CND - Stickey
Base Colour: MUA - Shade 20
Stamp Colour: BYS - Black Satin
Image Plate: Bundle Monster BM16
Top Coat: China Glaze - No Chip Top Coat
His skin looks awesome xD


  1. aww this is gorgeous! Im gonna have to try this out! Great job :)

  2. That's a lovely color! And goes great with black! That iguana is so cute! I want to hug him lol.

  3. Love it soo much! :) x

  4. Awesome mani! And that iguana is sooo awesome!
    I nominated you for the Kreativ Blogger Award!

  5. Looks very pretty, love the pink shade

  6. Have yet to try this stamp design. It's awesome! I love aquariums! Simply love them! My fave so far is n Chicago Illinois. Love the iguana

  7. I'm jealous of how strong your nails are! Do you use anything to help keep them strong or grow?

    Amazing job btw! :)

    1. Thank you! But I don't use anything special, they just grow really quickly, they always have!

      I dunno if this would have any effect but I'm the dryer of dishes, and my Boyfriend's the washer, or I wear gloves.


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