
Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Two Blog Awards

I got these before my trip to Edinburgh, and kind of forgot about them since I've been back ;( Sorry! As much as I love finding out about other bloggers, I hate trying to figure out what to write about myself.

I received these two awards from Polish Enthusiast and DRINKCITRA. Edit: I also got awarded this by Clothescosmeticsandchat. They are blogs I lovee, so thank you very much! :]

One Lovely Blog Award:

The rules for this one are:
Link back to the person you got it from
Tell 7 things about yourself
Give the award to 10 bloggers

I seriously don't know what 7 things I can say that I haven't already said, so I'm going to skip over these seven random facts and skip to The Butterfly Award that has questions I can answer :P

The second tag is the Butterfly Award:
The Questions:

What's your favorite song?
At the minute It's Lana Del Rey - Video Games
What's your favorite dessert?
Ice Cream
Who's your favorite pet?
I can't pick, I love all my Kitties ^-^

Black or white?

What's your biggest fear?
Not being able to make a life for myself and Scott.

What's your best feature?
My eyes maybe?

What's your everyday attitude?
It differs, at the minute It's just a bore to be awake with nothing to do :/ So I guess not good. Haha.

What is perfection?
There's no such thing, the world would be a boring place if it did exist.

What is your guilty pleasure?
Watching loads of shows that I don't really like, just for something to watch :P

Okay, so I know skipped the seven random facts, but Im also skipping tagging any other blogs in this, I feel like those I tag will already have this as this is not exactly recent. For those who don't have this consider yourself tagged :]


I love comments! So don't be scared =] I appreciate all constructive criticism.

Please don't leave links to blogs, I will delete comments with links from now on :(. If you'd like me to check out your blog, drop me an email; or follow and I'll have a looksie =]