
Thursday, 26 April 2012

The Flash Nails Using KKcenterHk Water Decals

So on Tuesday I showed you some water decals that I was sent for review from KKcenterHk. Today I will be showing you the second idea I had when selecting the comic style water decals. Again I used WDDC061 for these :]

Base Coat: Nail RX - Stuck On You
Base Colour: Barry M - Bright Red
Sponged Colour: OPI - Wocka Wocka
White: Sally Hansen - White On
Water Decals: From KKCenterHk
Top Coat: Models Own - 3 In 1
I started with the base of Bright Red, and then sponged on Wocka Wocka to try and give it that costume feel. I used the center of a hole reinforcement sticker to paint on a white circle, and then with a small brush I did another layer of polish to try and make the circle slightly larger.

Really though, any time I hear "The Flash" all I think of is The Big Bang Theory, and Sheldon being hyped up on coffee :D Keeping in mind I sometimes run about the house when possibly hyper on coffee saying "Zoom zoom zoom"... Don't judge me, I like acting like a big kid behind closed doors! :P

If you're interested in anything in the store use coupon code: goldspecknails for 10% off, this code is valid until January 31st, 2013.

*This product was sent to me for review


  1. That looks awesome and I love the big bang theory LOL

  2. Really interesting - I have never seen the super hero theme on nails yet!

  3. I love how these turned out! They look really awesome!! ^.^

  4. I like that take on a superhero mani. And the background colour is really nice! :)

  5. OMG I LOVE The Big Band Theory "Bazinga!" LOL
    Love the mani!

  6. Hehe, I love The Big Bang Theory. I think I was given some water decals about 2yrs ago and still haven't got around to trying them yet. Need to!

  7. Haha, when I saw first photo The Big Bang Theory popped in my mind straight away ;D

  8. Haha, these are great!! :D

  9. I like how you painted white before using the decals.

    This looks lovely!!

  10. so cute! i have some water decals to try but it will be a hot mess i am sure. i am obsessed with BBT reruns right now!!

  11. You are my hero, for reals. I am such a total nerd for everything in this post! Love love love! (Also I can't judge you because I do it too :P)

  12. when i sow this i instantly screamed: flash :-D
    love it :-D

  13. You did an awesome job with these :)

  14. Very cool. I love it! ^__^

  15. Good idea! lol Just showed it to my boyfriend and he loved it! :D***

  16. are these nail stickers? :)
    lolz stickers can b applied anywhere...


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