
Friday, 1 June 2012

Orange, Blue & White Stamping

Jeez, I can't believe I've not posted since Tuesday, I got confuddled and thought I was doing a guest post today so didn't get a post together, my bad =P

So of course, more stamping with the amazing plate I won from Dashica Beauty, as soon as I seen this image I knew I wanted to do it with orange white and blue, I'm not sure why though. But as it turns out it feels like it has a little bit of an 80's vibe to it, or mabye 60's something retroish anyways.

Base Coat: Nail RX - Stuck On You
Index: No7 - Poolside Blue, stamped with Konad Wite
Middle: Sally Hansen White On, stamped with Rimmel - POP!
Ring: Sally Hansen - White On, stamped with No7 Poolside Blue
Pinky: Rimmel - Pop!, stamped with Konad White
Image plate: Dashica Big SpD-A
Top Coat: Models Own - 3 In 1

I wish I'd just done white and stamped with the blue and orange, as the pinky looks red ¬_¬

And for good measure another kitty pic, Cheese was perving on this huuuge wood pigeon, seriously this is a bad perspective, it was bigger than her! Excuse the murky photo too - it was taken though a window.

Happy Friday ^-^


  1. Go, Cheese go!!
    One of my old cats that died around the age of 20 had made a pact with pigeons and other large birds, they could sit close, but he (at least when older) never went for them LOL
    Lovely mani, it's interesting to see the difference in Poolside Blue (it's gorgeous)!

  2. I like this Mani! Great color choices.

  3. Ooh this pattern is great and works so well with your chosen colour combo!

  4. Love this! Color on top of white is my favorite and this looks awesome! :)

  5. Love this! Reminds me of swimming pools :)

  6. Great cat pic! :D
    I like that pattern a lot! :)

  7. OMG that is wonderful!
    I l.o.v.e. it!

  8. This is gorgeous, it definitely has a retro feel about it :) Love the picture of cheese!

  9. I love this pattern retros are my favorite designs for nails. Your stamping skills are amazing. Lol! Cheese put a smile on my face :)

  10. This is so fun! Great colors and choice of stamp!

  11. oo i love the stamping! it looks a bit tribal! love :)

  12. I love these nails...and the look on Cheese's face too haha!

  13. These are right up my ally. Love the nails!

  14. I LOVE this mani!!! My kitties wouldn't know what to do with a bird lol!

    1. Thank you! & we get quite a lot of them in the garden. Cheese and Pickle are always stalking them around xD

  15. I love the plate, so awesome!

  16. Flawless stamping!! love the pattern and the different colors of polish you used
    Lol at the photo! the pigeon does look big!

  17. Oh Cheese, I love you hahaha. I think I need to look up some Dashica plates cause I am loving these images.

    1. Awhhhh! Heheh, and you really do need to. I need more in my life too :]

  18. Great mani! I love that stamp! It looks cool over those colors :)
    Aww Cheese! Haha

  19. Lovely mani, your stamping is perfect! I'm so jealous lol. Your cat is so cute x :-)

  20. Dang, that is one huge pigeon! (@_@)

    Love this stamping plate, and the colours you paired it with are, like, totally awesome! Yep, you could totally '80's that plate out with some black and neons, but the blues and oranges make it look nice and current here. Very versatile!

  21. ohhh love the colors!! great stamping!!! too cute!

  22. Cute kitty! I hope they got the pigeon! HAHAHA! This mani is so awesome!

  23. Is there a possibility you can post the link to this image plate? I am so utterly in love with the design. *_* If you would I would be so happy!

  24. Of course! It's an awsesome image isn't it!

    Here's the link:

    & If you click on where it says Dashica just before where the comments start you'll be able to see other mani's I've done with that plate :]


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