
Sunday, 29 July 2012

Black And Red - We Stamp On Sundays

This week's challenge was for black and red stamping. For this; I knew what polish I wanted to use, and knew I wanted to use one of my new Bundle Monster plates, now my faulty plates are being replaced and are currently on their way to me.

The Red I used came from my swap with Susana, as did the shimmer. I used Essence Colour3 - Kiss On Top Of The Rock, and Dancing In The Street. So I chose to use two images from BM316 to stamp in black, and while I didn't hate the outcome, I wasn't buzzed about it. The image seemed to transfer a bit thin too - you can kind of see the shimmer through it.
Base Coat: La Femme
Base Colour: Essence Colour3 - Kiss On Top Of The Rock
Shimmer: Essence Colour3 - Dancing In The Street
Stamp Colour: BYS - Black Satin
Image Plate: Bundle Monster BM316
Top Coat: Sally Hansen - Hard As Nails

Here's Kiss On Top Of The Rock; it was so lovely to apply, If I'd been careful one coat would have been fine.

Here is Dancing In The Street; I didn't get any swatch shots though.

I hope everyone's having a good Sunday!


  1. Looks great, but I understand, I would've wanted the black to be more opaque. :)

    1. Yeah, maybe If I got konad black and gave that a shot it'd work with the plate better.

  2. these are beautiful! :) i love the fact that the shimmer peeks through. ^.^

  3. I love this. I must be the only person around who doesn't have the new BM plates!

  4. Oh, this is so pretty, really nice!!

  5. This is SO Cool! Very vampy with the red and black. So cool

  6. Beautiful...couldn't really see the shimmer on FB it!!

  7. Cool! I want these plates. =)

  8. i'm glad you stamp on sudays, otherwise we would missed this manicure ;-)
    it's great... it would be perfect if that black is just a bit more opaque :-D

    1. hehe thanks ^-^ Yeah, I'm a little bummed about how shallow some of the images that work are :(

  9. i absolutely LOVE this! are you MAD, woman, it's stunning! xx

  10. I love how the black went on sheer though! It makes it look like such a gorgeous vampy red.

  11. Gorgeous!!! I have no more words! lool***

  12. I love the middle two, these are gorgeous!

  13. jeez! amazing as always! im in love with this!

  14. Such awesome stamping and colors!!!

  15. I think both combinations look really cool! You stamp perfectly!

  16. That red color is beautiful! Great stamping combo you chose

  17. Got to love these reds! I need to do red-it's been too long!

    1. Do a red and something dotty manicure ^-^ would look awesome.

  18. This is so gorgeous! I really like that the black is not that opaque though, it looks like blood red that way :P Perfect stamping as always! :)


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