
Saturday, 21 July 2012

Swap Goodies From Portugal & Three New Plates

Quick post today as I'm going to try and beast through things I have to do, while fitting in dying my hair, and having a nap as I was rudely woken at 8:55am this morning by an argument about being disrespectful. The irony was by no means lost on me, but sleep from that point on was. And considering I've had 4-6 hours each night for the last two weeks (due to not sleeping well, Scott getting in from work, getting up for work, and myself getting up for work) I was pissed when I saw the time, and realised other factors of not being able to get back to sleep. /rant.

On to good things! I recently did a swap with Susana from Blog do Verniz Amarelo, and just wow at the things I got! I had no idea where to start when I got these, apart from of course trying out my first linear holo! Sadly, I'm crap at taking photos of linear holo's apparently :P but it was total awesome sauce on my fingers so I'm gonna keep trying to get better pics. If you want to check out what I sent to her, check out her post here.

Onto all the polishes and plates she sent:


That's all from the swap. Thank you again Susana! I've only tried two polishes so far, and I don't know where to start next :D I'm quite excited to try out the tattoo transfers on my nails :] 

These plates I bought from eBay, for quite cheap :]

I was going to throw in the pics of my Bundle Monster plates, but i'm having issues with a lot of them so I might do a post on them if I get it all sorted with the customer service team *fingers crossed*

And for good measure here's Cheese just after getting her belly rubbed. I love her spotty belly xD

I hope everyone's having a good Saturday, so far I have done nothing I was suppose to.. Oops.


  1. That looks like a great swap indeed. And hi to sweet Cheese, she looks lovely! :)

    1. It really is. Still excited for all the layering possibilities xD

  2. Amazing swap! You got so many pretties. Cheese is adorable. :)

  3. Nice!!! Cheese is sooo cute!

  4. Aww, who is a lucky girl - you are - what a nice swap.
    Cheese completely agrees - rub her belly from me too :)

  5. Aw I hope you have a restful weekend! Your swap is amazing! Love all that you got :D

  6. great swap! and yay! for your first holo! can't wait for swatches!

  7. Excellent swap hunnybun! I'm sorry about your Saturday morning. Ironically 4-5hours of sleep is about all I get in general. Lol - I always feel badly for people who need/want more especially on the weekends. Btw after seeing your comment on my BM post I went ahead and emailed amazon and have already gotten my replacement so hopefully yours is on the way too!

    1. Yeah I can deal with less sleep during the week as long as I get to catch up at some point lol. To be honest the main reason I wanted to catch up because my eyes had increasingly darker under eye area than the week before lol.

      I've emailed them (I ordered directly from the site) and they asled for photos, so I've just emailed them photos today. Hopefully it'll all get sorted so I can get playing! hehe.

  8. This swap is so cool! I love all the nail polishes you got!

  9. cool swap! :) beautiful polishes! cute kitty! :) hugs*

  10. Glad you liked everything!
    See what i mean when i say that i like to live alone? I sleep all the time i want! ahahhaha:p
    Cute Cheese! Love the belly! :D

  11. Cheese is adorable. My kitty's belly looks the same, and I want to pet it so much but it's like a bear trap!

    1. Haha bless you! Cheese loves hers rubbed, as does Pickle now and again, but it's a horrible feeling when I accidently start to rub the grumpy old lady's belly (Jazz). Instant fear :P

  12. Oh wow what a fab swap package! I'm doing a swap in September and really looking forward to it x :-)

    1. Thanks :] I'm already planning another swap with Susana hehe.


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