
Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Halloween Nails & Costume

Hi all!

I thought I'd post my nails from Saturday, and my costume. I only have one photo of my complete outfit (hair done, mini hat, and medals) but it's a group shot, and I'm too lazy to ask the ladies if I can post it here :P

What do you think? I loved it, I actually scared people while I was out; it was great :D Wearing dark contacts made me wish I had dark eyes though hahah.

These nails aren't actually the finished product - but I ran out of light before I had a spare moment to take any photos.
Base Coat: CND - Stickey
Base Colour: MUA - Shade 19
Other colours: Cutex - Sweet Pea, Revlon - Teak Rose
Acrylic Paints
Topped with Essie - Muchi, Muchi
Matte: Rimmel - Matte Finish

Later I added Rimmel - Celebrity Bash to make the blood glossy
Got this idea from Samarium's Swatches I added too many coats of Muchi, Muchi though and hid most of the random grossness of the acrylic paints. These looked much better as a finished product!

Hope you're all having a good Tuesday =]


  1. Amazing!!

    Seeing so I was afraid :)

  2. LOL, I would run and hide if I met you on the street LOL - amazing costume/make-up :)

  3. Scaryyyyyy!lol
    OMFG... the teeth... god! lol

  4. Your Zombie outfit ROCKS!!!! Love it! :)

  5. Christ, your outfit it TERRIFYING! Well done! Nice nails too :))

  6. Great costume and make up! Love the nails too :)

  7. omg, you're too scary, i'm glad i can't stumble on you in a dark alley :D

  8. Whoa, that is an amazing costume!!

  9. Whoa!! Your costume looks incredible!

  10. scary!!! amazing! great work

  11. Wow! I really like your make-up! It looks really good (probably not the most appropriate word here, haha)! How long did it take you to get ready?

    1. Hehe thanks! Uhm finished look was two, two and a half hours, most of that was waiting for latex to dry hehe.

  12. Your costume is phenomenal!

  13. WOWOW your make-up for this costume is amaaaaazing :O
    I would definitely want to try that out if I knew my mum wouldn't freak seeing me like that hahaha :P

    1. My mam did freak out quite a bit hahah, though she was freaked out with normal makeup and contacts lol

  14. Wow, that is amazing! The makeup looks so real!!

  15. GWHAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Holy crapnuggets, that is a TERRIFYING geddup.

  16. You look amazing, that make up is fantastic! x

  17. love your costume, the makeup is amazing! and i adore the nails!

  18. Totally freaked out by your make up. I am just catching up my blog reading and I forgot it was halloween recently. You nearly startled me out of my chair. Trying to calm down over here and tell myself it was just a costume... :)


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