
Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Halloween Colour Camo.

Hi all! Happy Tuesday!

My interview went well yesterday, and I believe things are in motion *touch wood* I apparently have no free time these days though, so this will be a quicky quick post today, but it's better than nothing right?

These are some nails that I was inspired to do from A Girl and Her Polish sadly, hers are wayyy wayy better. I have like zero dotting tool skills :P And I reallllly love her colour combo :]

Colours used:
ELF - Desert Haze
Yes Love - K011
Essie - Orange It's Obvious
Kiko - Light Grape - 292
And that's all from me today as I'm so pooped. been up 19 hours now o_o on about three hours sleep. Need sleep!


  1. Really loved the mani!:D
    As always!

  2. I've been inspired by that very same post and tried it myself using shades of blue!

    1. Ohhhh I bet it looks lovely in blues! Have you posted it, I shall havev to have a look.

  3. Ouch, that's not much sleep! Hope you get some rest.
    And I love this mani :)

    1. Thanks ^-^ I'm planning a chilled sleepy bloggy weekend this weekend so i'm sure I'll get some rest then heh.

  4. This is lovely! I like it a lot darling! Enjoy your rest :)

  5. I think it's great, well done Jenni!

  6. Good luck! I hope you're getting some rest!
    Your mani is lovely as always! :)

  7. Sorry been so far behind in my post reading! But this is absolutely cool as all get out!


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