
Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Mini Christmas Haul

Hi guys! Happy Tuesday :]

Hopefully it'll be snowing when this is posted so I'll be sporting a face like this: =3 or this ^-^. Cause I love the snow, and it looks great from the floor I work on, all floatyyy and awesome. I could literally sit and watch the snow for hours.

In other news, I got my manager addicted to nails! I did some of my coworkers nails on Christmas eve, and recently Kerry asked for a list of things to buy, and she even bought a Konad starter kit! So you never know, I might even share her pretties with yous!

Today I have for you my mini Christmas present haul, just to show what I got. This is no where as crazy as last years haul, but I guess that's because Scott went crazy last year lol.
 Mini Nails Inc set (the first Nails Inc I'm gonna try!) from my manager Debbie.
W7's are from my Nan/Aunt/Uncle and LA Colors & Technic are from my mam.

Hope you're all having a good day :]


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