I am aware that in reality these really should be diagonal to do the classic candy cane type nails, but as I've said before, I love vertical too much xD I was actually just playing with my new striping tape that arrived in the post, and then I really loved these, and decided to keep them on ;]
I started off with a white base, and placed on some striping tape leaving different space in between to create the thicker stripe in the middle. I then painted Barry M - Red Glitter on top and peeled the striping tape off :]
Base Coat: CND - Stickey Base Colour: Sally Hansen - White On Glitter: Barry M - Red Glitter Top Coat: China Glaze - No Chip Top Coat |
Please excuse the lobster hands in the first pic, it was freezing in my room ;(
These are the tapes I received from eBay. It was lucky dip for colours, and I received White, Red, Silver, Gold, Holographic Gold, Pink, Purple, Holographic Green, Fuchsia, and Navy.
It cost me £1.07 for 10 of these with free postage, and if anyone would like the linky link again let me know :]